Home Workout #41: Christmas Cardio & Abs Tabata

Home Workout #41: Christmas Cardio & Abs Tabata

4-Minute Holiday Workout!

It's Christmas Eve! But that doesn't mean you're not going to exercise! Since it's a busy day, I made sure today's workout is only 4-minutes. And since many of you are travelling, it requires no equipment except for your body and my jump rope. But don't underestimate this one! It's intense and will boost your metabolism (and fat burning) for the rest of the day. So go ahead and enjoy your feast tonight!

workout 41 christmas cardio and abs tabata

Stay LEAN this holiday season using my time-saving and effortless approaches to fat loss:

1. Intermittent Fasting and Flexible Dieting

  • Sign up for my free tutorials here.
  • Get my Immediate Kick-Start eBook here.

2. Quick Home HIIT Workouts

  • Get all my free home workouts here.

Equipment Required:

Dr Sara Solomon Cross Speed Jump Rope Buddy Lee Jump Ropes

Always a Must!

Read my workout rules before you begin!

Drink your BCAAs!

Stay hydrated with water.

  • I like to add BCAAs. Click here to read why.

Video Workout

Keep this 4 minute circuit mega-INTENSE; otherwise, you are not going to benefit from Tabata. If you are in a rush, this is an ideal 4-minute workout to cram into your hectic morning schedule. Maximize fat-burning by doing this 4-minute workout fasted as soon as you wake up …  and stay fasted for at least 2 hours after the workout (you can drink your BCAAs). Set your timers for 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest.

  1. Exploding Star Jumps
  2. Burpee Push-Ups
  3. Jump Rope (high step)
  4. Starfish Plank
  5. Toe Taps (I used my medicine ball, but you can use a step, or even the side of a suitcase!)
  6. Knee Hugs
  7. Squat Jumps
  8. Reptile Push-Ups

Welcome! If you want to learn how to MOVE and EAT BETTER, you've come to the right place! I'm Dr. Sara Solomon. I'm a certified StrongFit coach and an intermittent fasting expert. I have degrees in dentistry (DMD) and physiotherapy (BSc PT), and I'm also a Pilates Mat Level 1 Instructor, CrossFit Level 1 Trainer (2016-2021), ACE personal trainer, NASM fitness nutrition specialist, a Mad Dogg Spinning Instructor, and a certified level 2 Buddy Lee Jump Rope Trainer and Ambassador. I'm a BSN Supplements and Til You Collapse sponsored athlete. My passion is helping people overcome restrictive diets and muscle imbalances so they can FEEL their very best!


  1. Hey Sara,
    How about a suspension trainer workout?

    Big fans gasping for air from your workouts! 🙂
    Mark and Kelli

  2. Once again, S otally S errific S ara S olomon:)
    Our bdays are coming up. You the 25th and me the 26th :))))

  3. This is a killer.. I totally look retarded doing the burpee, and the reptile push ups! Lol


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