Lateral lunges are a frontal plane exercise that will help you improve your inner hamstring and hip adductor mobility. These are internal torque both concentrically and eccentrically. Inhale through y ...[Read More]
Lateral Lunges
Active Assisted Splits
Splits with Assisted Hip Extension This is a clever way to improve your active hip extension. You'll need a resistance band, something to attach it to (I used the high bar on my rack) and something to ...[Read More]
Hip Thrusts (Hip Extension)
Isometric end range hip thrusts will help you improve your hip extension lockout. This will help you extend your back leg in the splits. There are a variety of variations you can do, ranging from what ...[Read More]
Banded Kick Backs
Front splits demands rear leg hip extension. The cable or banded kick backs will help you improve your active hip extension. This is internal torque. The focus will be the glute max and inner hamstrin ...[Read More]
Quadruped Hip Extension
Front splits demands rear leg hip extension. The quadruped hip extension will help you improve your active hip extension. The focus for this will be internal torque (keep in mind, front splits are int ...[Read More]
Hamstring Curls
Splits demands inner hamstring mobility. The hamstring curl machine is a great way to strength the inner hamstring through range of motion, 1 leg at a time. Unilateral Hamstring Curl: Internal Torque: ...[Read More]
Leg Press Machine
Splits demand inner hamstring mobility. That's why I encourage you to do the leg press machine at least once a week, in internal torque (IT), one leg at a time. It will help you strengthen your inner ...[Read More]
Inner Hamstring Opener, Dimmel Deadlifts, Lockouts
Inner Hamstring Opener The inner hamstring opener will help us improve the mobility of our inner hamstrings. In other words, it will help us learn how to generate tension in our inner hamstrings throu ...[Read More]
Inner Hamstring Warm-Up
Splits demand inner hamstring mobility. I like to start my day with this exercise. Truthfully, I do it in the bathtub. It is internal torque (IT), and I start with one leg at a time. It will help you ...[Read More]
Front and side planks are internal torque. This means we are using our external obliques, transverse abdominals, and lower abs. The easiest way to excel at this is to maximally contract your glutei ma ...[Read More]
TA Activation
Below are a variety of different exercises you can experiment with to learn how to activate your transverse abdominals (TA) and pelvic floor. I would recommend you do these at least 3 times a week. Wh ...[Read More]
RAWliday Balls
RAWliday Balls! Oh My Goodness these are delicious! This no-bake recipe is super quick and easy. It makes 9 protein candy cane balls. Each ball is 106 calories. It's not a raw food recipe ... so simme ...[Read More]