Dr. Sara Solomon

Welcome! If you want to learn how to MOVE and EAT BETTER, you've come to the right place! I'm Dr. Sara Solomon. I'm a certified StrongFit coach and an intermittent fasting expert. I have degrees in dentistry (DMD) and physiotherapy (BSc PT), and I'm also a Pilates Mat Level 1 Instructor, CrossFit Level 1 Trainer (2016-2021), ACE personal trainer, NASM fitness nutrition specialist, a Mad Dogg Spinning Instructor, and a certified level 2 Buddy Lee Jump Rope Trainer and Ambassador. I'm a BSN Supplements and Til You Collapse sponsored athlete. My passion is helping people overcome restrictive diets and muscle imbalances so they can FEEL their very best!

IT Rows

IT Rows

VIDEO 1: Use your internal torque chain concentrically and eccentrically. This means engaging the pecs, and teres majors. Press your external obliques out the sides of your body. Do not let your low b ...[Read More]

ET Rows

ET Rows

Use your external torque chain concentrically (exhale through your mouth). Do not use your upper traps. Use your lats, internal obliques, glutei med and your biceps (long head). Use your internal torq ...[Read More]

Lateral Deltoid Raises (ET)

Lateral Deltoid Raises (ET)

Use your external torque chain concentrically (exhale through pursed lips). Do not use your upper traps. Use your lats, internal obliques, lumbar spine, glutei med and your biceps (long head). Use hea ...[Read More]

Rear Deltoid Flyes (ET)

Rear Deltoid Flyes (ET)

These are performed in a “bent-over” position. Use your external torque chain concentrically (exhale through pursed lips). Do not use your upper traps. Use your lats, internal obliques, 6-pack, glutei ...[Read More]

ET Biceps Curls

ET Biceps Curls

The goal is to lift heavy for 5 reps. Exhale through your mouth on the concentric (ET) and inhale through your mouth on the eccentric. If you can do more than 5 reps, then the weight you selected is n ...[Read More]

Ab Wheel Rollouts

Ab Wheel Rollouts

ET version: As you roll out, this is internal torque, so inhale through your mouth. Stop rolling out as soon as you can no longer inhale. Returning to the starting position is external torque, so exha ...[Read More]

IT Pull-Ups

IT Pull-Ups

Use your internal torque chain. This means engaging the pecs, and teres majors. Press your external obliques out the sides of your body. Do not let your low back arch (use your external obliques and s ...[Read More]

Dips (ET and IT)

Dips (ET and IT)

IT Bar Dips I use a matador which I can easily attach/detach to and from my rack. I ordered the matador and rack online from Rogue Fitness. I also demonstrate how to do this on LeBert Bars in the 2nd ...[Read More]

Lat Pulldowns (ET and IT)

Lat Pulldowns (ET and IT)

IT Lat Pulldowns Because I need to improve the mobility in my internal torque chain, I use internal torque BOTH concentrically and eccentrically. If you already have great IT mobility, then feel free ...[Read More]

Bicep & Pec Openers

Bicep & Pec Openers

The purpose of the biceps and pecs openers is to improve internal torque mobility of the biceps (short head) and the pecs. The biceps and pec openers are internal torque both concentrically and eccent ...[Read More]

Shoulder Openers

Shoulder Openers

The purpose of the shoulder opener is to improve internal torque overhead mobility. The shoulder opener is internal torque both concentrically and eccentrically. The goal is to increase your shoulder ...[Read More]

Jefferson Squat Opener

Jefferson Squat Opener

The purpose of the Jefferson Squat opener is to improve your ability to activate your glute med muscles. It tests one glute med at a time. It’s external torque both concentrically and eccentrically. I ...[Read More]