WW stands for Written Workout. Print it, or screen capture it with your phone, and go do it!
Equipment Required:
- Use TabataTimer.com for your timer
- Shock-absorbing surface, such as interlocking floor mats
- A Swiss Ball
- A Resistance Band
- A RumbleRoller Foam Roller
- Various Dumbbells (~10 to 25 pounds)
- A Sandbag
- A Dr. Sara Solomon Cross Speed Jump Rope by Buddy Lee Jump Ropes. It’s portable and inexpensive. I always travel with mine!
Exercise Technique Review:
- Step-by-step Jump Rope Progressions –> video demonstration.
- Foam Roll –> video demonstration
- X-band Walk --> video demonstration
Always a Must!
Read my workout rules before you begin!
Drink your BCAAs!
Stay hydrated with water.