Hip Adductor Openers

Butterfly Opener

Butterfly Opener

In this video, I show you how to do it bilaterally, and unilaterally (1 leg at a time). Lie on your back. Bend your knees and let the soles of your feet make contact. Open up your legs so that your kn ...[Read More]

Hip Adduction Machine

Hip Adduction Machine

Straddles and middle splits demand hip adductor mobility. The hip adduction machine is a great way to improve your hip adduction active range of motion! This is internal torque. Do not overload your h ...[Read More]

Frog Openers

Frog Openers

Straddles and middle splits demand hip adductor mobility. This exercise is a great way to improve your hip adduction active range of motion! This is internal torque. Get into a frog position: As you o ...[Read More]

Straddle Opener

Straddle Opener

Straddles and middle splits demand hip adductor mobility. This exercise is a great way to improve your hip adduction active range of motion! This is internal torque. You can also use ankle weights but ...[Read More]

Lateral Lunges

Lateral Lunges

Lateral lunges are a frontal plane exercise that will help you improve your inner hamstring and hip adductor mobility. These are internal torque both concentrically and eccentrically. Inhale through y ...[Read More]