Lower Body

Sandbag Tosses

Sandbag Tosses

Updated Video: Remember, good movement is linked to strong emotions. The sandbag toss is an ET exercise that targets your SNS. Go ahead and yell "zzzzaaaahhhh". Let out your anger/frustration. The win ...[Read More]

Farmer’s Carry

Farmer’s Carry

You can use dumbbells, kettlebells, 43 pound water jugs or farmer’s walk handles. Use your max weight and go until you fail. Aim for 30 metres. As my StrongFit mentors say, the farmer’s carry is “one ...[Read More]

Jumps (Broad, Box, Tuck)

Jumps (Broad, Box, Tuck)

The wind up for the jump is internal torque, but the actual jump is external torque. You can jump up to a box (max height) or you can jump for max distance (broad jumps). Really go for it. If you are ...[Read More]

Sandbag Squat

Sandbag Squat

SANDBAG SQUATS (IT eccentric, IT concentric) Deadlift the sandbag and lap it. Bear hug it (clasp one had around the other wrist). Using your internal torque chain (glutei max, external obliques, pecs) ...[Read More]

Sandbag Carry

Sandbag Carry

To lap the sandbag, deadlift it to your lap. Clasp one hand around the other wrist and stand up. Bear hug the bag (this will engage your pecs). If you are new to the sandbag carry, I suggest you start ...[Read More]

Hip Dips

Hip Dips

If you have a positive Trendelenburg sign, then I recommend you do 3 sets of 10 hip dips a day.  All you need is a wall. Take the leg that is against the wall and raise it up so that your hip and knee ...[Read More]

Air Squat

Air Squat

Mastering the air squat demands adequate hip, ankle and T-spine mobility. This means you need strong external obliques, glutei max and inner hamstrings. Welcome to the odyssey. Contrary to popular bel ...[Read More]