
Psoas Theory

Psoas Theory

Psoas Anatomy & Facts: The psoas (pronounced so-az), also called the "mighty psoas" and the "front bum", is the only muscle that connects the upper and lower body (it crosses 3 zones: the lumbar s ...[Read More]

Constructive Rest Position

Constructive Rest Position

The Constructive Rest Position (CRP) is nothing new. Both Pilates and the Alexander Technique teach it. In CRP, the body gives in to gravity. It releases the "grip" of the hip flexors, which gives the ...[Read More]

Pelvic Stability Exercises

Pelvic Stability Exercises

The following video is a real-time routine. Do it with me.  The purpose of these exercises is to improve your pelvic stability. Why? Because keeping your pelvis centred will prevent your psoas muscles ...[Read More]

Sacroiliac (SI) Joint Exercises

Sacroiliac (SI) Joint Exercises

Sacroiliac (SI) Joints: these joints link your spine to your pelvis. They only possess a few degrees of movement. When your sacroiliac joints are not moving normally due to either excessive movement ( ...[Read More]

Pelvic Floor Exercises (vaginal weightlifting)

Pelvic Floor Exercises (vaginal weightlifting)

The pelvic floor muscles form the base of your "core box" (the base of the "soda can"). These muscles span to the bottom of the pelvis and support the organs (bowel, bladder, uterus) in the pelvis. By ...[Read More]



Got weak glutes? Have you thought about the role your tight psoas plays in this?? The iliopsoas (hip flexor) is the antagonist to the glutes (hip extensor). Shortening of the iliopsoas can result in w ...[Read More]

Pilates Routines

Pilates Routines

Goal: flow without restriction The psoas is involved in Pilates Routines because it connects the upper and lower body. Out of all the core muscles, the psoas is the only one that connects to the leg. ...[Read More]

Low Back Pain Relief Routine

Low Back Pain Relief Routine

Low back pain ... it's bound to happen to almost all of us. I believe that intermittent vigorous exercise combined with a sedentary lifestyle (lots of sitting) is the reason why this happens. There is ...[Read More]

Yoga Routines

Yoga Routines

The chakras are energy systems. There are 7 basic chakras. These areas correspond to the 7 main nerve ganglia coming from the spinal cord. The psoas intertwines the bottom three chakras. Root Chakra ( ...[Read More]