“Clean Up” Imbalances

“Clean Up” Imbalances

Most of us have some mobility restrictions or pain.

I sure had a LOT of problems! You can see my 2016 before photos in the video. I’ve been working hard since 2017 to improve my “shituation”, and I’m so grateful I got this party started because being in pain SUCKS!

I know it helps people when I shine a spotlight on my muscle imbalances and share the things that have helped me improve. Hence today’s video!

Of course we pay attention to HOW we move during our training sessions, but that only represents about an hour a day. Paying attention to how we move outside of our training sessions is also necessary to help us stop feeding our imbalances.

This video shares some things that have helped me improve my deficiencies, weaknesses and imbalances outside of the gym.

⓵ If you normally vacuum and clean with your right hand, then try your left hand.

⓶ If you normally carry a bag of groceries in your right hand, then try your left hand.

⓷ If you normally open and close doors with your right hand, then try your left hand.

⓸ If you normally get up off the floor leading with your left leg, then try leading with your right leg.

Tinker with the 3 exercises I showed in the video. You can do an extra set on the “problematic side”, but DO NOT neglect the good side.

💪🏻 Stick Pushes & Pulls: This exercise really helped me learn how to engage my lat as a stabilizer when moving my arm. Only move in ranges where you can feel your lat stabilizing you (your ranges will increase with practice!). Gently push down on the stick to help you find this feeling. You might not find the feeling right away. Give it time.

💪🏻 Unilateral farmer’s carries. Challenge yourself with a heavier dumbbell or kettlebell.

💪🏻 Practice standing up with the side you avoid using. I do 2 sets of 10 on my weaker side. I do 1 set of 10 on my stronger side. I obviously can’t include all the things I have done in 5 years to improve my imbalances in 1 blog post. But I hope this post increases your awareness and I hope these 3 exercises help you as much as they helped me!



If you need help overcoming pain and stiffness, I would be honoured to help you. It’s never too late to get started. I got started when I was 39 and now I’m 45 and moving better than I did when I was 18.

Strength Academy:  If you're fed up of living with pain and stiffness, then join my Strength Academy! With the STRENGTH ACADEMY Program, you will:

✔️Strengthen your TVA & pelvic floor.

✔️Improve Mindset & Mobility.

✔️Overcome Painful Muscle Imbalances, Urinary Incontinence & Diastasis Recti.

✔️Get access to my Splits, Backbending, Nauli Kriya, Pistol Squat, L-Sit, Pelvic Floor & Handstand Programs!

✔️Get daily access to mentorship from me!


Welcome! If you want to learn how to MOVE and EAT BETTER, you've come to the right place! I'm Dr. Sara Solomon. I'm a certified StrongFit coach and an intermittent fasting expert. I have degrees in dentistry (DMD) and physiotherapy (BSc PT), and I'm also a Pilates Mat Level 1 Instructor, CrossFit Level 1 Trainer (2016-2021), ACE personal trainer, NASM fitness nutrition specialist, a Mad Dogg Spinning Instructor, and a certified level 2 Buddy Lee Jump Rope Trainer and Ambassador. I'm a BSN Supplements and Til You Collapse sponsored athlete. My passion is helping people overcome restrictive diets and muscle imbalances so they can FEEL their very best!

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