Dessert Pizza!
Dessert Pizza! Low sugar, high protein! Wonderful taste. Narnia in the mouth.
1. Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees F
2. Make the Pizza Crust & Tortillas:
- Spray a cookie sheet with non-stick cooking spray
- Get scissors and cut a large circle shape out of one P28 Flat Bread (or you can use FlatOut Protein Bread). Cut the circle into 4 pizza slices (it's easier to cut it before you bake the crust). Cut the left over flat bread into zillions of little triangles (see photo)
- Lay them flat on the cookie sheet
- Place in the oven for 4 minutes and then turn the oven off… just leave them in the oven for another 3-4 supervised minutes until they are crispy (don’t burn them!)
3. Make the Chocolate Pizza Sauce:
- Mix 1/2 of a scoop BSN Syntha-6 Whey (Chocolate) with 3 TBSP water to make the chocolate sauce
- Spread it over the Baked Pizza Flatbread Crust
4. Garnish the Pizza with Fruit:
- Cut 1/2 cup of strawberries. Garnish your Pizza with the strawberries.
- I also added 3 TBSP of blueberries because I'm wild.
5. What about the Tortilla Chips you made? => Dip them in 2 TBSP Salsa
Nutritional Information:
i) For the entire Dessert Pizza (~2/3 of the flat bread):
- calories 312, fat: 8g, saturated fat: 1.3g, cholesterol: 27.5mg, sodium: 367.4mg, carbohydrates: 35g, fiber: 8.6g, sugars: 10.6g, protein: 30.3g
ii) For the entire portion of the Tortillas & Salsa (~1/3 of the flat bread):
- calories 97, fat: 2.3g, saturated fat: 0.2g, cholesterol: 0mg, sodium: 288.2mg, carbohydrates: 11g, fiber: 2g, sugars: 2.7g, protein: 9.6g
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