The only diet and exercise program any of us need is a little bit of discipline.
No one can force you to exercise and eat right, you need discipline.
If you want to become the best version of yourself, you need discipline.
Want to know the reason why I can maintain my abs all the time?
It's because I follow a diet program that requires the least amount of discipline to get and maintain results. My sustainable approach to fat loss helps me maintain self-control without compromising my quality of life.
I'm an intermittent faster. I'm burn fat without having to do a thing! All it takes is discipline to remain fasted throughout the day. Because I fast all day, I get to eat big portions at night that make me feel full. For me, fasting requires less discipline than following a restrictive meal plan. I'm being brutally honest when I tell you I don't have enough discipline to stick to a meal plan over the long haul.
Meal plans typically fail over the long haul because the portions are too small and we are forced to demonize food. Let's face it, no one has enough discipline to ignore chronic hunger and cravings 24/7.
Do you think you could handle skipping breakfast and postponing your first meal of the day? Do you think that would be easier than trying to stick to a restrictive meal plan for the rest of your life?
If your body has stopped responding to diet and exercise, and you are tired of feeling guilty about eating potatoes on your salad plate, then let me show you how I got myself out of this exact same situation. I don't know about you, but I don't have enough discipline to deny myself the yummy potatoes! The key is fasting all day and then eating your potatoes at night! Do it for the potatoes on this plate!
People who desire a long-term fat loss solution requiring the least amount of discipline take a look at my comprehensive fasting and workout program called the Fat Loss Fast System. It's the most effortless way to lose fat and keep it off for good. This is going to change your life!
Was doing good at one time in my life fitness wise. I just can’t seem to get my focus back.
i adjusted to fasting quickly but I have a doctors prescription I need to take in the AM, it’s uncomfortable on an empty stomach. Is there something small I can have that won’t interfere with fasting?
Dr. Sara Solomon
please talk to your doctor Tina.