Home Workout #53: ChArms (Chest & Arms)

Home Workout #53: ChArms (Chest & Arms)

ChArming HiiT:

This is a full length 20-minute HiiT Home Video Workout! I know you have been asking for full length workouts! So here you go! No need to replay the video 4 times because you can do the entire workout with me!

workout 53

Equipment Required: 

Always A Must

Read my workout rules before you begin!

Drink your BCAAs!

Stay hydrated with water.

  • I like to add BCAAs. Click here to read why.

Video Workout

Keep this circuit mega-INTENSE; otherwise, you are not going to benefit from metabolism-boosting effects of HIIT. Maximize fat-burning by doing this workout fasted as soon as you wake up …  and stay fasted for at least 2 hours after the workout (you can drink your BCAAs). I like to wear a heart rate monitor for feedback.

You don’t have to do exactly what I’m doing. Feel free to substitute exercises.

40 sec Work, 10 sec Rest, 6 exercises, Repeat 4x, 20 minutes

1. DB burpee - push-up - bicep curls
2. Jump Rope - High Step
3. Triceps Alternating Up Downs
4. Jump Rope - Forward Straddle
5. Rolling Medicine Ball Push-ups
6. Jump Rope - Bounce Step

Do the entire 20-minute workout with me now:

Don't forget to foam roll and stretch after your workout.

If you prefer my full length workouts, then you are going to love my online members' section. It's your ultimate video guide to the Fat Loss Fast System.  Get exclusive access to my full length HiiT Home Workouts, Recipes, My Practical Approach to Intermittent Fasting and Flexible Dieting, Body Image Coaching and MORE!
See You Inside!
Welcome! If you want to learn how to MOVE and EAT BETTER, you've come to the right place! I'm Dr. Sara Solomon. I'm a certified StrongFit coach and an intermittent fasting expert. I have degrees in dentistry (DMD) and physiotherapy (BSc PT), and I'm also a Pilates Mat Level 1 Instructor, CrossFit Level 1 Trainer (2016-2021), ACE personal trainer, NASM fitness nutrition specialist, a Mad Dogg Spinning Instructor, and a certified level 2 Buddy Lee Jump Rope Trainer and Ambassador. I'm a BSN Supplements and Til You Collapse sponsored athlete. My passion is helping people overcome restrictive diets and muscle imbalances so they can FEEL their very best!


  1. Just completed this workout and loved it!! It was super challenging! I love that I could do it with Sara in real time. It also love that now that I’ve completed my fasted workout first thing I now have the rest of the day for other things and I feel invigorated! Awesome workout Sara!!

  2. love the workout!! i will be joining the SS club this month.. keep it up Doc and hope to see you again real soon. – elsie

  3. Great workout! HAPPY TO SEE YOU BACK!! WORKOUT 54? 🙂 🙂


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