WW stands for Written Workout. Print it, or screen capture it with your phone, and go do it!
Recruiting the Glutes: Today we are focusing on single leg work. I selected exercises to help increase end range hip extension strength and single leg stability. If you are new to working out, then don't dive straight into this single leg workout. Please follow these progressions:
- Bilateral leg work (ie. both legs) before unilateral leg (single leg) work
- Stable surfaces (ie. the floor) before unstable surfaces (ie. Swiss Ball)
- Partial range of motion before full range of motion
- Perform the exercising using your body weight before adding resistance
Equipment Required:
- Use TabataTimer.com for your timer
- Shock-absorbing surface, such as interlocking floor mats
- A Swiss Ball
- A Resistance Band
- A RumbleRoller Foam Roller
- A Kettlebell (I used a 25 pound KB)
- A Medicine Ball (I used a 12 pound med ball)
- A Dr. Sara Solomon Cross Speed Jump Rope by Buddy Lee Jump Ropes. It’s portable and inexpensive. I always travel with mine!
Exercise Technique Review:
- Step-by-step Jump Rope Progressions –> video demonstration.
- Foam Roll –> video demonstration
- X-band Walk –> video demonstration
Always a Must!
Read my workout rules before you begin! Always stretch and foam roll after your workout!
Drink your BCAAs!
Stay hydrated with water.
Note: I train fasted, which is I add BCAAs to my water. Click here to read why.