Fat Loss Fast ... Testimonials!
"My body stopped responding to calorie-restricted low carb meal plans and lengthy cardio workouts. I just couldn’t lose fat anymore. I was exhausted from hours of daily cardio and constantly bingeing from hunger. That’s why I created the Fat Loss Fast System in 2012. Thanks to my Fat Loss Fast system, I was able to put an end to yo-yo dieting and favourably change my body composition. I stopped dieting and currently eat 2000 calories a day, including carbs! I can eat big portions until I’m full, I can eat carbs at night and I can even have bread! I’m no longer a slave to dieting, excessive cardio or meal plans. I'm able to maintain my results with ease because I didn't do anything extreme to achieve them. I am proud to share my life changing Fat Lost Fast system with so many people around the world." ~Dr. Sara Solomon
I’m so excited to brag about my gorgeous #TeamSS member, Kira! It has been such a pleasure watching Kira completely transform mentally and physically!
“I’m becoming a better version of myself and I’m so much happier today. Every day I am moving towards my goals and taking care of my body. When you focus on how you feel, you will see the difference.
I bought Sara’s Fat Loss Fast System and I am a member of her Strength Academy. Sara does an amazing job researching everything and helps me with learning what different nutrients do for my body. It’s great to have all the information in one place. In the Strength Academy, I’m learning how to use my body like a machine, and safely so I don’t have issues later in life because I did squats wrong for years”. ~ Kira
Paul is WINNING at life!!!
Last year, Paul started implementing my sustainable approach to intermittent fasting. In January, he joined my Strength Academy to learn how to balance his nervous system with the principles of StrongFit. Clearly, this is working for him! Based on what I’ve seen with Paul, myself and other TeamSS members, I am convinced that the secret to aging backwards is intermittent fasting and StrongFit. Gosh, this makes me excited!
Hey Paul, thanks for believing in me, and for giving me the opportunity to work with you!
“Today is my one year anniversary working with Sara and her FLF system to fuel my body, do resistance training to build muscle to lose fat. I can honestly say that it’s the simplest way to eat to help you feel full and rev up your metabolism to burn fat. Thank you Sara and team for everything!! Let’s see what the next year brings.” ~Paul
Last year, Jenny was tired of struggling, and she decided to implement my sustainable approach to intermittent fasting. She has completely transformed mentally and physically, and she is now spreading her passion for health/wellness with others. Her son was diagnosed with Autism when he was 3 years old, and she was able to ameliorate “99% of his behaviours with diet”. She decided to become a fitness coach so that she could share her wisdom and experiences with other moms.
“Truthfully, finding you and beginning my fasting journey was the 1st main action that began my transformation.” ~ Jenny.
Jenny, your commitment to developing you mindset and all your hard work in the gym is very inspiring! Congratulations! I’m super proud of you! Keep shining!
Brad is winning at life!
Once a year, for the past 3 years, Brad emails me with his intermittent fasting/fitness update. Brad… you have no idea how happy your yearly update emails make me!!! I love that Brad has no issues maintaining a healthy lifestyle! That’s the way it should be!
“Been 3 years now and have kept the weight off. Its always flattering when people don’t believe the old pictures of me! Came across this old pic and I didn't even believe it was me! Had to take a selfie and share! Lol. Havn’t felt this good since I was a teenager. Glad I came across your website, thank you so much”. ~Brad
⚠ If you aren’t eating enough calories then read this!
“You helped me create a better relationship with my body and with food, and I feel so much more FREE at a heavier weight than I ever did at a lower weight. I have a much better perspective, and I’m much more grounded mentally. Now I can say “gaining weight is cool!” Thank you Sara and TeamSS!!!” ~ Jen Bersabal-Bryars
I’m so proud of Noelle! She is is eating more calories and is training to get stronger and more balanced. Her physical and mental transformation has really inspired me, and I’m really excited to share her journey with you!
“I’m a mesomorph, 1,80cm tall, 41 years old. I used to be very active - fitness, police dog training, horseback riding, my own dog training centre. Then I was diagnosed with bechterew, one hernia operation, second hernia operation gone bad, third operation spondylites - fixation. It took me years to recover and do daily things by myself again. I gained 15kg (from 69kg to 84kg) and become an emotional eater and binge eater. I could not workout for a long time. I was able to lose 8kg, but not the right way; a lot of diets and eating only a 1000 or less calories a day. I was always tired and sick. I still could not workout properly however I tried and did do floor exercises.
Then in Oktober 2016: I found Sara on the internet, read her ebooks and was sold. I started intermittent fasting 16/8 and I love it. The most helpful is the support on Sara's #TeamSS facebook page, from Sara but also everyone who has joined. For the first time in years I could workout again without pain. Sara also motivated me to take my time and see this as a new and long lasting lifestyle.
Februari 2018: most important; I am not in pain anymore and I can do my work again fulltime. I have not been sick for 16 months. I rode horse again on the beach. I am not tired anymore. I lost another 8kg but more important my body composition changed completely. I build muscles. My weight now is 68kg again, I am so happy. I am eating 1600/1700 calories a day. I am binge free. I have reached my first goal!! My second goal is the Strength Academy, which I joined to build more muscles, be more balanced and continue reverse dieting. Thank you Sara, you are really my life saver!
I was so excited when Paul told me I could share his success story with ya’ll! I’ve been watching his journey for the past 6 months in my #TeamSS Facebook group and I knew he was going to succeed because he made it all about the process, instead of the endgame.
When it comes to body recomposition, many are willing to follow extreme dietary protocols in exchange for instant results. But we all know from experience that this never produces lasting results. Body recomposition takes a LONG time. It requires consistency with a sustainable approach. It means trading in instant gratification for delayed gratification. I like what Paul said, “it’s a marathon, not a sprint”.
“I’ve been following Sara’s Fat Loss FAST system for the past 6 months. It’s simple, strait forward and effective. It definitely is a marathon and not a sprint and I look forward to the next 6 months and 6 years after that. Before and after from April 14, 2017 to today. A definite visual difference. Thank you Sara.” ~Paul Sarlis
Paul is proof that if you fall in love with the process, the results will take care of themselves. I’m so proud of you Paul!
Why did I create the Fat Loss Fast System? Because I was struggling. I needed a sustainable solution. I wanted to look great without having to subject myself to a restrictive paradigm. Michelle’s story made me emotional because her experiences were similar to mine. I encourage you to read her story. It has a happy ending 😀
“When I was “larger” mom, I never posed for pictures because I didn’t like the way I looked and it was just a reminder of how fat I was. In March of 2016, we booked a family vacation to Florida. I made a promise to myself to get ‘leaner’ so I would be okay with posing for pictures and wearing a bathing suit on the beach. I “dieted” for 3 months, eating 5-6 small meals a day and working out – doing cardio, etc. I actually gained weight. This is the ONLY picture of me on vacation and I’m totally covered up, wearing old lady shorts that came down to my knees. I was 160 lbs when this picture was taken.
When I came back from vacation, I felt terrible. I let myself down. I was eating pretty clean, 5-6 meals a day and doing lots and lots of cardio. Why was I not losing weight? I figured, this is just me, and I started talking myself into being fat. I had been following Sara for a while on youtube and on her FB page, but intermittent fasting and counting macros seemed so daunting. I talked myself out of it. In July of 2016, I started eating Low Carb High Fat and I did manage to lose some weight (about 10 lbs) but then I was stuck again. It wasn’t until September of 2016 when I finally decided to go for it and buy Sara’s Fat Loss Fast System and commit myself fully. At first I was only able to fast for about 12 hours, and I was sleeping for most of those fasted hours, and I continued to do the LCHF diet. It took me a couple of months of intermittent fasting to increase my fasting times and my carbs (and lower the fat).
I am still not a big fan of pictures, but recently I was at a BBQ and this photo was taken of me. I now have something to compare. What a difference. I can’t wait to see what transformations next year brings. Thank you, Dr. Sara Solomon for being a true inspiration to me and for creating your system and the hard work you put into your newly released Fat Loss Fast e-Book. And of course to all the people on Team SS. I could have never done this without your support, and I’m so excited to share my progress with people who are on the fence about starting Sara’s program.
Thank you for all that you do, for making your program so affordable, for all the advice and time you give to us, and for creating a Team that is so awesome and inspiring.” ~Michelle Belli
"I first just want to thank you so much for this amazing program you made! These last 12 years of my life have been rough to say the least, and I'm in such emotional shock that I am finally free and can enjoy life again! It's been too long since I can even remember feeling as good as I do now! This is a new lifestyle for me not just another diet and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me achieve what I have so far. I'm so excited to see more results!! For the first time in my adult life, I feel proud of myself, I feel accomplished and I finally don't feel like a failure anymore!
THANK YOU!!" ~Larissa
Larissa's UPDATE!

⚠Binge free since July 2017!!!
Larissa used to eat 1200-1500 calories a day. Now she eats 2000 calories a day! Her body fat has also decreased by 7%! Reading her story was an emotional experience for me ... because I’ve been through this too.
“I had tried every diet under the sun. I was obsessed with the scale, I was paranoid about what I looked like or what size of clothing I wore. I developed binge eating disorder that was out of control. I let my obsession with food control my social life and my mood. At this point, just a little over a year ago, I hit rock bottom. I was the heaviest I’d ever been and in a very dark place with myself. I almost fell into depression for a while. I HATED taking pictures. And it started to affect my marriage. One day, I was scrolling through Facebook when I came upon a post made my Chalene Johnson featuring a woman named Dr. Sara Solomon and a podcast about intermittent fasting. Even with all my schooling I had never once heard of intermittent fasting before. I decided to listen to the podcast and my mind was blown. Intermittent fasting and reverse dieting were two terms that was were so foreign to me yet made so much sense after listing to Dr. Sara Solomon explain it in that podcast. I knew the second after listening to it that everything she explained was me. All the struggles she talked about was my life, and I was sick and tired of being trapped...a failure...miserable...
At that moment I immediately jumped on board with Dr. Sara’s principles, I watched all of her YouTube videos, read all her books, and began intermittent fasting and reverse dieting. Within one month of IF and RD, I WAS BINGE FREE. I remember being brought to tears, down on my knees one morning that I realized I had gone a whole month without binge eating. It was like being set free from this horrible monster inside of me. Not only that but in one month I lost 7 lbs, 2% body fat, lost 7 inches all over my body and had increased my daily calories by 700! (1200-1900) I couldn’t believe it. I was no longer trapped. I fell in love with working out again. I stopped binge eating. I didn’t feel deprived anymore. I didn’t feel self conscious anymore. I no longer cared what the scale said. I started training for performance instead of how many calories I could burn. I realized I could still enjoy my favorite foods by practicing flexible dieting and tracking my macros. It has now been 5 months on this incredible journey and I have lost 7% body fat, increased my muscle mass, I’m stronger than I ever have been, I’m happier, healthier, proud of myself, more motivated than ever before and loving life. I am finally free, empowered and thrilled every day to see what my body can do. I am now currently training for my first ever bodybuilding show and I couldn’t be more excited! Thank you Sara Solomon!” ~Larissa Carbajal
It's a common misconception that intermittent fasting means you are starving yourself. With my approach (The Fat Loss Fast System), you do not slash your calories. I'm not a fan of dieting, and my TeamSS knows that calorie adequacy and resistance training are the keys to favourably changing one's body composition. That is why my Fat Loss Fast System teaches "reverse dieting"... I'm fully aware that many people have been dieting and cutting carbs for years (heck, that used to be me too). I teach you exactly how I recovered from <1200 calories and <30g carbs a day to 2000 calories and 250-300g of carbs a day. I know it seems scary to eat more, especially when you are not accustomed to it, but I hope that my transformation, as well as Larissa's, will open your eyes to a new way of thinking.
- Intermittent fasting with calorie adequacy is 👍.
- Energy restriction, regardless of the feeding paradigm (frequent feeding or intermittent fasting), is 👎.
Nadia went from 1300 to 1700 calories/day and she looks radiant! I’m so happy Nadia agreed to let me share her story because I know firsthand just how scary it is to embark on reverse dieting (i.e. increasing your calories after a period of strict dieting). I mean, the reason why so many of us slashed our calories in the first place was fear of gaining weight.
I also know how miserable it is to live on diet calories. That’s why I’m so passionate about teaching women a methodical approach to adding more calories back into their diets. #StopDieting!
Intermittent fasting combined with flexible dieting and calorie adequacy improved my relationship with food and it made it possible for me to get stronger. It did the same for TeamSS member, Nadia too! Here’s her story:
“Sara, I came upon your video on youtube while I was searching for some information on Intermittent Fasting. Your version just brought so much enlightenment into my life. I'm French-Canadian and from as far as I can remember, my relatives are really good eaters. My dad owns a maple farm, and I always enjoyed food and sweets. I always loved fitness, played volleyball for 7 years and I have been working out 6 days/week for the past 5 years. I love to work out and eat healthy, but at one point, It got too serious. I wasn't eating at friends BBQ's because of all the junk they cooked. Or I didn't want to go because I knew I would binge on all the chips. So, my husband tells me, "Honey, we love food, there is not much we can do about it" . So I started including more junk food in my diet, but then I would feel badly about it and work out twice as much to compensate. So I have been on the yo-yo dieting train for a long time.
Anyhow, I came upon your video and I listened to your podcast with Chalene Johnson and let me tell you, I was in right away. So a month ago, I worked out fasted and I skip my first breakfast in 30 years of existence. I had lunch with my kids at 11 am and ate like a pig for 6 hours straight. I was so freakin full I sure didn't feel like binge eating at night. Since then, I have been on a 19 hours fast with a 5 hours eating window. And I ate bagels, carrot cake (twice), a s'more, had wine and pizza. I just can't believe it myself, neither can my husband 😉. I just wanted to Thank you for your system and all you have done. It brought me peace with food and I'm not a carb deprived/moody mom to my kids anymore. Thank you!” ~Nadia
😀YES! Rebecca went from 1200 to 2000 calories/day and she looks STRONG! I’m so happy she agreed to let me share her story because I know firsthand just how scary it is to embark on reverse dieting (i.e. increasing your calories after a period of strict dieting). I mean, the reason why so many of us slashed our calories in the first place was fear of gaining weight.
“In the first two photos I was equally unhappy & unhealthy just in different ways... I was always the chubby girl and was a chronic yo-yo dieter. I would resort to extreme diets & diet pills to get a quick result. The first picture was taken after I had my son. I completely gave up on myself. I was a depressed and unhealthy stay-at-home mom who didn't feel comfortable in her own skin. I decided to get the weight off so started an extreme diet: I was eating under 1200 daily, I wouldn't touch a carb and I did endless amounts of cardio. I did hit my goal weight but I was still unhappy because I wanted to be skinner and I was starving, exhausted, and moody. I feared missing a workout or eating a calorie over 1200. I eventually couldn't keep up with this extreme approach and regained the weight. After having my second child, I was right back to where I started again. I quickly tried to go right back to slashing calories and doing tons of cardio but I couldn't get the weight off no matter what I did .. I finally came across Dr Sara Solomon’s Fat Loss Fast System which changed my life for the better.
So for anyone who is hesitant on listening to Sara's advice on reverse dieting so that you can eat your maintenance calories every day, please listen to me when I say it was the BEST CHOICE along with starting to lift weights instead of relying on cardio to lose weight. It is definitely scary at first to eat more and do less cardio but it was a game changer.💗 I now eat ~2000 daily in a 6 to 8 hour window and I still weigh the same as when I was eating 1200, but I can see more muscle on my body now. I feel healthier now than I have EVER felt. 💗 I learned the hard way that slashing calories and over-exercising to get fast results isn't the answer... you need to EAT to fuel your Body and LIFT...Treat your body the right way and it will thank you for it💗
✔I lost over 30lbs and kept it off for over 2 & 1/2 years
✔ I gained lean muscle. I learned cardio isn’t the answer to weight loss. Lifting and gaining lean muscle is.
✔I have a much healthier & happier mindset. Instead of focusing on being skinny, I focus on getting stronger.
✔ I have finally learned to have control over food instead of food controlling me
✔I am no longer a yo-yo dieter, closet eater or binge eater 😬
✔I learned how to reverse diet the right way & went from eating 1200 calories a day to 2000 calories a day in a 6 to 8 hour window.
✔It's not a cookie cutter meal plan forced on you that you have to eat on a certain schedule (which never worked for me). Sara teaches you how to make the system work for you so that it fits your schedule and eating personality
✔ It's easily to adhere to 365 days a year, even on holiday and vacations
✔ I look forward to my workouts and eating healthy because it’s no longer torture because I don’t have to slash calories or do copious amounts of cardio.
✔I learned minimum effective dose is the key
✔I don't fear carbs and get to enjoy them daily
✔ I don't deprive myself of any food. I follow the 80/20 rule
✔I finally stop obsessing over the number on the scale and stopped letting it control how I felt about myself
✔I have tons of support and accountability with Sara’s #TeamSS Facebook group.
~Rebecca Capodici
This is my WHY. This is why I’m so passionate about intermittent fasting!!!
I’m elated to share Caterina’s good news with you! Caterina overcame type-2 diabetes and no longer needs insulin! How did she do it? Read her inspiring story!
“My whole life my weight was between 125 and 130 pounds . I was always active. Then in June of 2008 I started to put on weight. In 2013, I was diagnosed with hypothyroid, and started to take medication, but my weight kept going up. By 2015, I was 183 pounds, so I started exercising 4 hours a day, but still didn’t lose any weight, despite following a healthy diet. By December of 2016, my weight was 193 pounds, and I was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes. I started with insulin (the level was 220 which is high). I started to do research, and found studies claiming that fasting was the only solution to erase diabetes. And that’s when I stumbled upon Sara Solomon’s Fat Loss Fast System on the internet. My doctor advised me not to do fasting, but I informed him I was going to do it anyway with the 20/4 protocol. And guess what happened? I lost 25 pounds! I no longer need insulin! I was also able to lower my hypothyroid medication from 150mg to 25mg daily! Thank you Sara for being such a great inspiration for my journey and for always keeping your TeamSS updated.” ~Caterina Urbani
Caterina, I’m grateful for you and your openness. I hope that anyone else who is struggling with weight gain, hypothyroidism or type 2 diabetes stumbles upon your story. Stories like yours inspire us to never give up.
Nadia Faubert is 52 years old. She completely transformed her entire lifestyle, and put an end to yo-yo dieting. This is an incredible story that you have to read. This is why I do what I do. Grab a tissue…. it made me tear up.
In 2015, life became busy for Nadia, and she “let herself go, eating pizza, fast food, drinking alcohol and smoking”. In April of 2015, she decided it was time to make a change. By February of 2016, she had lost 22 pounds and quit smoking and drinking. The only problem was that she was eating “almost nothing”, “doing cardio”, and “was hungry all the time”. She knew something had to change.
Nadia says, “In June 2016, I started to look for a way that I could eat and train for the rest of my life…not a 90 day program. And on YouTube I found Dr. Sara Solomon. I had never heard about intermittent fasting before, and I loved her story… she loves to eat, she has a powerful personality. I consumed all the free info she provides. Three months later, I picked up her Fat Loss Fast System and joined her TeamSS (Sept 22, 2016). My focus now is to be healthy and I listen to my body. Most days I eat around 3pm, but sometimes noon. I am best with my macros when I eat later. I train in the morning (or else I won’t train), and log my macros and I eat whole food (80/20 rule). My upper body is strong and I now have a butt. I want to look healthy and strong… Dr. Sara Solomon taught me that … her mindset is to focus on being strong and powerful… to find the beauty in strength. Today I feel great. I feel beautiful. I feel strong.”
Do you know your WHY? I truly believe this is the secret to success. I don’t think it’s always initially obvious to us either, until we experiment and gain deeper insight into ourselves.
Julie is 52 years old and absolutely gorgeous, inside and out. In fact, I had the pleasure of meeting her at an expo in 2017. She has been on my #TeamSS since 2015, and I am incredibly thankful Julie and I crossed paths. Initially, her goal (just like my original goal and probably yours too) was to diet and lean out. Today, however, Julie is enjoying getting stronger and leaner by lifting weights, practicing intermittent fasting daily with an 8-10 hour eating window, and eating more food than ever before.
If you follow me on social media (and thank you if you do!!! I appreciate you!!!), you have watched me and many of my TeamSS members reverse diet to a healthy amount of calories while lifting weights like badasses. One of my WHY’s is getting the message out to stop approaching fat loss with diet and exercise, but rather, to approach it with weight lifting and calorie adequacy. Combine that with intermittent fasting and you’ve got yourself an empowering and sustainable solution for fat loss.
“The before photo was a little over 2 years ago at a point when my life was stressful and I hadn't worked out for the better part of 18 years. This was when I made a decision to invest in ME and I joined a gym. That's also when I found Sara’s fasting system online and became an intermittent fasting lifer!! Over the past 2 years I have pushed myself doing things I'd never done before like boot camps, OLY lifting, Zumba, spin classes and weight lifting and Sara’s gym workouts. I was struggling last year because I was putting so much effort in but not seeing what I thought were sufficient results. I have spent the past 6 months dialling in my macros (I was undereating for the amount of exercise I was doing) and I prioritized rest and recovery. In the before photo I was about 149 pounds and 24% body fat. In the after photo, 146 pounds and 14.3% body fat. I'm pleased with my body recomposition thus far” ~Julie Driedger
For 18 months I followed a ketogenic diet. 8 months ago I started to add carbs while decreasing fats and calories. 4 months later, I started reverse dieting using Sara Solomon's recommendations. 5 months have since passed, and I'm now up 500 calories per day and eating 170 grams of carbs (I was previously eating 50 grams of carbs a day). I'm 53 years old and my body fat percentage is 6% as I continue to reverse diet and add calories and carbs! Stay the course and trust the process. Thanks Sara. ~Dr. Steven K.
This is why I’m so passionate about women eating enough calories! Intermittent fasting combined with flexible dieting and calorie adequacy has improved my quality of life. It did for TeamSS member, Jenny Khouly-Rosario too! Keep reading…
Before Jenny started my Fat Loss Fast System, she was only eating 1200 to 1400 calories a day. She just happened to stumble upon me on Google. Jenny says, “Thank goodness for that day! Everything you said made sense! I felt better knowing your struggles being an endomorph and that was my sign that your program would be my perfect match!”. She followed my advice and started to reverse diet. Now she is eating 1700 to 2000 calories a day, all while improving her body composition and her relationship with food. “The most important is that I feel better today at 41 than I did at 21! I cannot thank you enough! I now have all the tools I need to end my 30-year struggle to be what I always pictured within!” ~Jenny
Jenny is weight training 3 to 5 days a week, and she is following my Fat Loss Fast System of intermittent fasting and flexible dieting with calorie adequacy.
Attention dieters! Jessie decided very quickly that dieting was not for her. She tried dieting for a few weeks, and then stumbled upon my sustainable approach to nutrition and training. I’m really glad she did. Dieting is no fun, and it’s so hard to maintain the results. With my Fat Loss Fast System, the focus is on a sustainable approach to fitness and nutrition: this makes it a pleasure to be consistent, and over time, it favourably changes your body composition. It’s all about loving the process, and realizing the process is ongoing.
“Sara Solomon, I started dieting in December 2016, but decided to join your TeamSS at the end of December. When I started your Fat Loss Fast system, I was 209 pounds, and now I’m 194 pounds. I’m slowly getting there by being consistent with your Fat Loss Fast System. I use your recipes and workouts, watch your youtube videos, and have been improving my strength using the exercises you post in the VIP Facebook group. I enjoy getting stronger and fitter, and leading a healthy lifestyle. I work on it one day at a time.” ~Jessie Eileen Samot
"On 02/18/15 I started Sara's Fat Loss Fast System. In two months I lost 6 pounds (from 128 to 122) and one inch off my arms, waist and thighs. Right away i saw the changes in my body and overall well-being. It has been a year and I couldn't be happier. I have been able to maintain my results working out less and eating more…. Awesome!! I will NEVER go back to calorie restricted diets and killing myself with boring cardio at the gym. I workout from home 5 days a week using Sara's video workouts. I learned the jump rope basics with Sara's videos. I am turning 40 this year and feel i look better than in my 30’s. The Fat Loss Fast System is a lifestyle that works great for me. I travel frequently to Puerto Rico and for the past year I have been bikini ready all the time! Bonus!" ~Yajaira Santiago, February 2016
"Two years ago I started Sara's Fat Loss Fast System not knowing the amazing impact it would have in my life and well-being. This system changed my relationship with food and exercise. I learned how to listen to my body and how to push myself to the limit. The first year I started with the 16:8 protocol and followed the system and Sara's recommendations to a tee. I used the calorie counter daily and tracked my results every month. The second year, I decided to take a more relaxed approach. I stopped counting calories and stopped caring about the scale, eliminating pressure and extra work. I currently follow the 18:6 protocol, which I strictly do throughout the week. Although I am not as strict on the weekends, I always eat a balanced diet consisting mostly vegetables, greens, healthy fats and carbs. I continue to workout 5-6 days a week, first thing in the morning (around 6am). I rotate between her phase I and phase II workouts to make it fun. When on vacation, I bring my jump rope and fast whenever possible…. If I can't, I don’t stress about it. I can attest that this is a sustainable approach to nutrition and well-being. I have been able to maintain my results and at 40 years old I feel better than ever. Once you learn to listen to your body, it will become easy to be consistent and sustain your results with little effort. I love that you can do it anywhere you go, even while on vacation. Thank You Sara!" ~Yajaira Santiago, February 2017
“In 2015 I decided to stop dieting and adopted a new lifestyle. Thanks to Sara’s Fat Loss Fast System, I learned to maintain a healthy weight using minimum effort. Although I am still following the 18-6 protocol, this year I have been alternating my fasting days depending on my workouts for the week (some weeks I fast 5 days, others I only fast two days). My testimony demonstrates that this is a sustainable way of living. The pictures i sent you were taken right after a vacation, proving whether I am home or not, if i can always follow Sara’s Fat Loss System. Thank you Sara.” ~ Yajaira
"Conventional diets have never worked for me. I am only 5'1" and felt starved on diet calories. Sara's Fat Loss Fast System works great because it outsmarts dieting. I have a young baby at home, so the home workouts are ideal." ~Sara Young
Intermittent Fasting and Fertility is a controversial topic. #TeamSS member, Sara Young (38 y.o) shares her experiences with us. She was intermittent fasting (16/8) until she found out she was pregnant. She’s now 15 months postpartum and has resumed intermittent fasting. She looks great! Read what she says for more details about her experiences with intermittent fasting, getting pregnant and losing the baby weight.
"My name is Sara Young, and I’ve been doing the Fat Loss Fast system since Feb. 2013. I tried every diet out there but failed miserably. This is the only system that has worked and continues to work to this day. I initially lost 20 pounds and now it is so easy to maintain my weight and I never feel like I'm dieting. During pregnancy and for a year after while nursing, I discontinued intermittent fasting but continued flexible dieting and followed my maintenance level calories and macros. I was able to maintain a healthy pregnancy weight and get back to normal fairly quickly despite being an older mom of 38 years. Now that I’m weaning, I’ve returned to intermittent fasting (16/8) and I’m eating a healthy amount of calories: I’m 5’1” tall and I’m eating 1800 calories a day! This system definitely makes my life easier now that I have a toddler running around." ~Sara Young
"I started using Sara's Fat Loss Fast System in 2013 and it has been the easiest fat loss and workout system to maintain. I lost 24.8 pounds (and have kept it off) using Sara’s diet and home workout program. I actually look forward to it every day. I'm not perfect. I do not eat healthy all the time. Heck, most weekends I probably over eat. But you have to live!! That's why I love this system because it allows me to do that! Sara has given us the tools to succeed. I'm a lifer!" ~Tammy Walsh
Armi Fernandez motivates me and my TeamSS daily. Everyone on the team can vouch that Armi’s gives 150% every single day. She is an inspiration for me, my entire TeamSS and her children. I am grateful to have Armi on my team. She makes things happen.
“Sara, Your Fat Loss FAST System is really working for me. I am so thankful that I found you on You Tube. Thank you for everything that you do for TeamSS. We're so lucky to have you as our mentor and source of inspiration and motivation.” ~ Armi
So I asked Armi to share some advice with ya’ll, and here’s what she said: “Results happen over time, not overnight. Work hard, stay consistent and be patient!"
⚠ If you aren’t eating enough calories then read this!
“When I bought Sara’s Fat Loss FAST e-book I was eating 1200-1300 calories daily, doing 30 minutes of cardio daily, along with weight training six days a week. I was hungry, tired and my workouts were suffering. I have successfully reverse dieted up to 1800 calories so far (goal is 2000) and am still just as lean, possibly leaner, than when I was starving at 1300 calories. Pretty much all my workouts are fasted (with caffeinated BCAAs) and I’m stronger than ever, increasing my lifts almost weekly. I have cut back cardio to just a 10-15min warmup and I’m no longer starving. I couldn’t be happier with how this system is working for me and I definitely see it as something I can maintain.” ~Zara
Jill Bieber is a working mom who lost 26 pounds using my Fat Loss Fast System. Her transformation is jaw-dropping! In fact, she won 3rd place in my season 1 "60 Day Transformation Challenge" and won $500!
I can't image where my life would be if it weren't for you Sara. Oh yeah, I'd still be 20lbs overweight trying every "diet" out there, being sad wondering why I have to struggle and deprive myself and still not get any results. I believed in you, I worked your Fat Loss Fast System, I stayed dedicated and consistent and it finally worked! And the absolute best part, I can do this for the rest of my life!!!
I gained 5lbs of muscle and I no longer care what the scale says. I am stronger than ever and have even more confidence in myself than ever before! I love lifting heavier and heavier and pushing myself to the limits. I love eating more food than ever before without worrying about weight gain. I am fueling my body with the nutrition it needs and sometimes what my taste buds need!! lol I love feeling fit, not just thin!! I will keep posting to your #TeamSS because, well, they are like my fitness family!!! Thank you for this wonderful fitness transformation!! You've changed my life and given me happiness with myself again." ~Jill

Heather lost 31.8 pounds and 16.5 inches in 175 days days using my Fat Loss Fast System.
“I have been a long distance runner since 2007 and I am still a long distance runner but this program has changed everything for me. Not only have I lost a good amount of fat, but I have also gained muscle with weight training, and my running has improved. I have tons of energy and at 42, I feel and look better than I have in YEARS! THANK YOU, DR. SARA SOLOMON for sharing your program with people like me who had just about given up on ever being able to lose weight and maintaining a healthier lifestyle!
I love you and your cats and I love everyone who makes up TEAMSS! The additional support you provide through this program has enabled me to stay positive and stay accountable! And I have to thank TeamSS member, Charlotte Dial ,because if not for her and her incredible success I may have never looked into your program! It's just amazing and I can't thank you enough!” ~Heather McKim
“I’ve struggled with losing weight my entire life was always a size 12 in high school. In the past two years I've had two babies. Losing weight is even more challenging when you have a baby, a toddler and no sleep! I used to obsess over the amount of calories I could have and then I’d end up going over every day because I never really felt full. Then I stumbled across Dr Sara Solomon's YouTube video and I kept watching it because she was talking with her hands and it was annoying the #$*% out of me …lol… but then I happened to catch her message and thought wow, she has my eating personality to a T. So I started her program (The Fat Loss Fast System), and have lost 20 pounds! I can honestly say I FEEL so good and see my muscle definition coming out! I'm still a work in progress but excited to see how this lifestyle change will improve me. I never knew how much and of what to eat trying to follow 120lb fitness models meal plans, but now with macros I can figure it out and go on about my day! Her workouts are killer and her down to earth feel with her parents in her videos just draws ya in! I'm sold! Sending everyone I know her way!” ~September Clemens
Christine Johnson lost 7 pounds in 60 days using my Fat Loss Fast System. Her transformation is incredible! In fact, she won 2nd place in my season 2 "60 Day Transformation Challenge" and won $1000!
“Sara Solomon's Fat Loss Fast System is a dream come true for me. Before I began her program, I thought I would never have a toned body or abs. I thought I would always be a little cubby. Prior to discovering Sara’s system, I used to spend at least two hours in the gym working out and eating very little, but never loss any fat. I was referred to Sara, and her Fat Loss Fast System totally made sense to me and it even explained to me the reasons why I couldn't lose fat in the past. So I decided to try it. That was 6 months ago. Six months later, I have lost 18 pounds and over 35cm of fat. I now have the toned body I never thought I could get, and I am finally getting abs, something I never thought I could be able to achieve. Thank you so much Sara!!!! ~Christine Johnson
Donna is 52 years old and she lost 20 pounds in 60 Days using my Fat Loss Fast System. Her transformation is incredible!
"I love love love minimum effective dose and want that to be my mantra in life! I think Sara's huge value and real talent is explaining things in simple terms. For me at least, that's has been huge. She explains everything and then I can make it work.” ~Donna Craig

Dr. Suzanne Solomon-Hollander is a busy mom with a full time career. She shed her stubborn belly fat in 60 days using my Fat Loss Fast System. Her transformation is incredible! In fact, she won 3rd place in my season 2 "60 Day Transformation Challenge" and won $500
"Dr. Sara, I cannot thank you enough for sharing the science behind what it takes to achieve fat loss. After having given birth for the third time, I am in the best shape of my life at 48 years of age, all thanks to your Fat Loss Fast System and your time-saving home workouts!" ~Dr. Suzanne Solomon-Hollander
Shannon restored her passion for fitness! What an awesome comeback!
“A few years ago I was a very dedicated personal trainer...and one of the best in the valley. People came from miles away to train with me. I looked...well damn good. I was doing good until I let the little voices and negative motivation win. I developed a severe eating disorder and obsession with my body. With doctors orders, my husband helped me walk away from the industry until I could overcome my demons. Being my passion I knew I had to get better so I could make a comeback. Two and a half years later I did just that. I began researching every fitness related item possible and stumbled upon Sara Solomon. Not only did I love her sense of humor, but I understood what she was talking about and the method behind her madness. I purchased her Fat Loss Fast System eBooks, read them twice, and dove into my transformation. Today...I'm healthy, happy, look good, feel great, and have a healthy relationship with myself and food. Dr Sara deserves a thanks. And thank you to Sara and her #TeamSS for being my fitness family.” ~Shannon Stroschein
Justine lost 70 pounds!
"I first stumbled upon Sara in 2013 and fell in love with her common sense approach to eating. I started Sara's Fat Loss Fast System and her home workout program in March 2014, and have lost 70 pounds. I'm confident Sara has started a revolution!" ~Justine
"The Fat Loss Fast System changed my life. I am no longer starving myself on 1200 calories of lean proteins and veggies. I have been able eat in restaurants and have chocolate without hindering my progress! I am also no longer doing meal prep or carrying a cooler with 6 meals. My husband was shocked I was eating my chocolate truffles and french fries while still making progress! So shocked that he started doing your Fat Loss Fast system too! My husband is now telling his co-workers about my progress and has referred them to your site and suggested purchasing your Fat Loss Fast System. Thank you again for everything and for being so real! I hope my results with your diet and workout system can inspire other women, who like me, focus too much on the scale and get discouraged easily." ~Taren Terrill
"I have made a lot of progress since starting Sara's Fat Loss Fast system in 2015. I have been successful in losing weight, gaining muscle, and leaning out. I recently placed third in my first Women's Physique show. The judges like my symmetry and mass levels. I am eating WAAAAYYYY more calories than what I used to. Prior to starting Sara's Fat Loss Fast System, I used to eat only 1200 calories per day, distributed over 6 meals, eaten every 2-3 hours. I was literally starving to death and acquiring a pot belly too!!! I tried and failed so many times, and just ended up gaining more weight. Plus it was too challenging to eat all the time with my busy law career” ~Jo Lorio
"Thanks for getting me off the bulking and cutting merry go round. I'm now in the best shape of my life every day of the year thanks to your Fat Loss Fast system! I lost 42 pounds at 44 years of age and 12% body fat in 12 weeks. I didn’t have to starve myself or do hours of cardio a day. I have been able to maintain my results because I didn’t do anything insane to get them." ~John Spinazzola
"Hi Sara, I'm sending these photos to you as a result of your cyber leadership, mentoring,and inspiration to me...I found you on Bodybuilding.com, and have followed your nutritional and workout philosophy ever since...I found that your Fat Loss Fast System was the catalyst to seeing huge changes in my physique...just wanted to share my progress with you and the other readers so they know that it really does work...if you don't quit!” ~Monica
"Thanks to Sara’s Fat Loss Fast System, I finally lost fat that I had been holding onto for years and I was able to gain lean muscle. I have been able to maintain my results with ease because I still get to eat my favourite cereal and chocolate peanut butter malt balls. I completed the phase 1 training program, and now I’m doing the phase 2.1 gym program, and everyone is commenting on my muscle definition! I recommend the Fat Loss Fast System to anyone struggling to lose fat." ~Christina Kovacs
“Thank you for introducing me to your Fat Loss Fast System. I’m a dairy/chicken farmer and get up just after 2 a.m. every day to work in the barn. Before I was 180 pounds. Current weight 153 pounds. Thank you so much for all your continued hard work and for your dedication to helping others!!” ~Steve Adams
“Thanks to Sara’s Fat Loss Fast System and her VIP TeamSS group, I lost 14lbs and lots of inches... 7" waist, 3" each upper leg and 1.5" each upper arm. My plan is to carry on my journey in the TeamSS group” ~Natasha Wright
“The Fat Loss Fast System is simply perfect for a busy mom like me! About 2 weeks in, I started seeing results! I was SOOOO hooked! I knew it was MY time! NOTHING seems impossible to me anymore. My kids see me as stronger and healthier than I've ever been! Thank you Sara!!! ~Sophia
"Using Sara's Fat Loss Fast System, I was able to lose 9 pounds and 6% body fat in 60 days. I have a ways to go but I do know these slow changes are long-lasting. I've done crash diets where I lost a lot of weight in a short period of time, but it ALWAYS came back. And with a vengeance. With the Fat Loss Fast System, I've been able to make progress even when I haven't been 100% consistent.” ~Christina Shin
“I’ve followed your Fat Loss Fast system for almost 1 year exactly and the results and benefits I've had from this are simply amazing. I am a classic case of a chick that was super fit, but didn't look like it. I NEVER missed a workout and I trained HARD daily, but I just couldn't seem to shed the fat! I was getting tired of working my butt off and not seeing the fruit of my labor. I listened the podcast you did with Chalene Johnson on your Fat Loss Fast system and thought, I need to try this! So I did. I committed to doing it and just after 11 weeks of being consistent with it and really honing in on my nutrition, I shed 20lbs (and kept it off) and got seriously toned! For a mama of 9 year old twins, this system not only gave me my energy back to keep up with them but it is a MUCH more convenient way of eating for me and my busy day to day schedule with them! Can't tell you how much I LOVE this eating style and how thankful I am to have come across you and your system!” ~Liz Bollini
Sandy lost 10.4 pounds in six weeks using my Fat Loss Fast System. She says, "I know I have gained muscle too and I’m having a blast!”. ~Sandy England
How did Gisselle effortlessly lose 15 pounds and then keep it off ?? Did I mention she is a single mom, a full-time student and a business owner? Did she follow a calorie-restricted meal plan and spend hours on the treadmill? NOPE. She did this the healthy way following my Fat Loss Fast program and has continued to get results for half a year now!
"The fat loss happened (15 lbs gone!) my energy levels increased but best of all my acne cleared up." ~Gisselle
Terri lost 17 pounds in 60 days!
“I used to think skipping breakfast would screw up my metabolism....ha! I am now learning the true science of fat loss and understanding the very importance of macros through Sara's Fat Loss Fast program. I love her philosophy of "minimum effective dose” of exercise. I used to be plagued with injuries from overtraining. Because of the painful injuries, I just stopped exercising all together and gained 30 pounds. I couldn’t sleep, started drinking and ate just to cope. I cried at least once every day, I failed miserably in my work and made some stupid decisions that pretty much made for a bad life! What a difference 60 days made....nothing hurts anymore and I am feeling stronger than ever before. I turned my professional life around and my personal life is better than ever. I sleep like a baby - all night! I wake up ready to hit the day. I am mentally sharper and I am adoring my wonderful food. Everyone comments that I am glowing. I look forward to every day instead of praying the next day would not come. I know it sounds so dramatic but the change in me has been. I believe that this is the lifestyle that I will always live and I am beyond excited to see my continued progress. I sincerely cannot thank you enough! I not only got my life back - I got a better one!” ~Terri Hughes
Lori-Lynn lost an incredible 27.4 pounds in 60 days using my Fat Loss Fast System!
"I would like to thank you so much Sara! I have learned a lot from your Fat Loss Fast program. Your workout videos are awesome! I Love the minimum effective dose!! I lost 27.4lbs and 20” in 60 days!! I really feel like a whole new person! My body FEELS so different and I feel amazing!!” ~Lori-Lynn
Lori-Lynn completely transformed her body! Look at her chiselled arms!
“One year ago today, I got serious with Sara’s Fat Loss Fast System of intermittent fasting, flexible dieting and home workouts. I completed the phase 1 workouts and moved on to the phase 2 workouts. A year has passed and I couldn't be happier! It's not been without challenges, but I am so so thankful for Sara and her TeamSS for the constant support, inspiration and motivation! I know I wouldn't be where I am without Sara and TeamSS! Go for your dreams and goals, because you can achieve them and YOU are worth it!!! ~Lori-Lynn
Since starting my program, Maxine has lost 28 pounds! How did she lose the baby weight? Keep reading...
“This is officially the longest I've stuck to something in my LIFE. I'm amazed at how simple it was to be consistent and just do it ... it feels natural. I'm a binge eater and have been since elementary school when I would get home and literally eat everything in sight. Since starting Sara's Fat Loss Fast System, I have a sense of peace, calmness and control over my eating habits. As much as the results are great...feeling free from bingeing and feeling bad about myself are the most fulfilling. Thank you Sara for this life changing experience.” ~Maxine
"Sara, Just wanted to update you on my Fat Loss Fast success. Since that day we spoke in Toronto, I have been going strong. I started on May 31st, and it's currently June 27th. I'm down about 3% bodyfat and I lost 14 pounds! I eat all my macros between 5 and 9pm. Thanks for the chat. You made things so much easier for me". ~Dan Thiry
What a transformation! Casey lost 7 pounds in 60 days! How did she do it? Keep reading...
"I'm thrilled that I have less Mommy Tummy! I'm so thankful for Sara Solomon for bringing us the magical world of of the Fat Loss Fast System. I had been looking for an at-home workout instead of wasting time driving to the gym and back, plus the time for class. Sara's workouts are super fun and quick, and the Fat Loss Fast System has given me so much energy, and I've lost weight and toned up where I had been struggling to do so. This is the lifestyle for me!” ~Casey Genelin
Andy made his transformation a reality!
He says he has “never really been good at losing weight”. He decided to pick up my Fat Loss Fast System and lost an incredible 16 pounds in 60 days, and was still able to factor in a few pub nights.
Kayla’s legs are shredded! Kayla lost 10.8 lbs in 60 days with my Fat Loss Fast System and my home workout program.
“I love my body right now! You’re my absolute hero!” ~Kayla Morris
"I'm 48 years old, and Sara's Fat Loss Fast System has helped me get and stay in the best shape of my life.This has been a life changing journey for me. On Day 1 I felt like a failure, depressed, discouraged, embarrassed and sluggish. On Day 60 I feel energized, happy, motivated, proud, strong, and inspired. I wake up every morning ready to work out and ready to take on the day! I can easily slip into my favorite shorts again without doing that "suck it in squeeze them on thing”. Not only did I transform my body by losing 6 lbs I also transformed my mind and grew stronger. I made new friends in Sara's TeamSS private forum, and they inspire and motivate me daily. Thank you to TeamSS and especially to Sara Solomon for supporting and inspiring us daily. ~Jodie
"I noticed my wife Jodie had achieved great results following Sara's Fat Loss Fast System and I finally decided to try it out for myself. I lost 25 pounds in 5 months! I'm now at the one year mark and I am still maintaining." ~Rudy Quintero
Rudy Quintero has maintained his results for the past 2 years! And he also kills triple unders with jump rope!
“Hi Sara, I wanted thank you for teaching me through your Fat Loss Fast system how to lose fat and keep it off! Today I celebrate my 52nd birthday and 2 year anniversary of starting your system. In the past I've lost fat following other plans, and after the first year I gained half back, and by the second year I gained it all back. Instead, after losing 25 lbs with your system, I've maintained the same weight for two years! I not only saw results in my physical appearance over the last two years, but I've also improved my fitness by having more energy to really push to accomplish things I never thought I could. Thank you again". ~Rudy Quintero
"My name is Derek, and I've always been in shape. However, after opening my own fitness studio 2 years ago, frequent eating was no longer possible with my busy schedule. When I turned 39 I vowed to get back into the best shape of my life. My buddy who competes and trains bodybuilders told me to check out Sara Solomon for info on the Fat Loss Fast System. I was sold after 2 weeks when I started to rapidly lean out. Following her advice with the BCAA's pre, during and post workout instead of a protein shake caused me to dramatically decrease my body fat! To me this is no longer a diet, but an eating plan I will stick to. I feel less bloated, more energy, leaner and stronger. I get to enjoy my food and stay ripped! Thanks!" ~Derek
Kylie Morgan is a busy mom. She lost 6.3 pounds in 60 Days using my Fat Loss Fast System. She did a lovely job losing fat and sculpting lean muscle.
"I've been trying to lose "the last 5kgs" for two years and have never been able to get it off, or keep it off. I’m finally losing fat in all the right places." ~Kylie
Megan lost all the baby weight and an extra 10 pounds!
“I started following Sara in late 2013. Shortly after I found out I was pregnant and decided to thoroughly 'enjoy' my pregnancy which resulted in a 60lb weight gain! I gave birth to my son in September of 2014 and had pretty much resolved myself to the fact I would never have my 'pre-baby body' back. Fast forward a couple of months and I decided to start Sara’s Fat Loss Fast system again. Today, I'm about 10lbs less than BEFORE I was pregnant and a comfortable size 4! This lifestyle has truly been the key to getting to a place where I'm truly confident in my skin and don't have to spend HOURS meal prepping and obsessing over what I eat.” -Megan Botelho
Michelle Miscio lost 19 pounds in 4 months using my Fat Loss Fast System.
"Hi Sara, I can't begin to thank you enough for what you have done for me. After I had my second child I was diagnosed with depression. After several different antidepressants that gave me terrible side effects, I realized that exercise was the medication I needed. I needed to change my way of thinking. Instead of saying, "Im not feeling good so I'm not going to exercise. I would now say, "Im going to exercise so that I can feel good. I'm so glad I found you on Bodybuilding.com. The Fat Loss Fast System is now my life! I've never been a breakfast eater, and I used to exercise many hours. I'm happy to say your philosophy of minimum effective dose is AMAZING!!!!!” ~Michelle
Would you believe me if I told you Sadera is 51 years old? What is the secret to her shredded physique? Keep reading...
"Sara, I've been following you for over 2 years, doing your workouts, but I was skeptical to try the Fat Loss Fast system. I did try before, a few months ago, but I stopped, can't say why either. I made the commitment to do all 52 your video workouts and do your Fat Loss Fast System. I've always worked out, had muscles, but I could never achieve the abs definition that I wanted. But I do now...thanks to your system! I was lean before at 128.8, and I lost 3 lbs which may not seem like much, but my abs are rocking and knocking and I've kept my muscles and added some more! So, thank you! I have some more tweaking to do, so, I'm sticking with your system. I'm TeamSS for life!” ~Sadera Harris
Sandra Kolean lost 13 pounds in 60 days using my Fat Loss Fast System!
"Thank you Dr. Sara Solomon for all you have done! Stumbling upon your Fat Loss Fast System was a much needed blessing. I no longer avoid or run away from food and I am now able to eat just about anything without feeling guilty. I have lost 13 pounds in 60 days and this is not just a temporary thing- it's a lifestyle change! I actually do feel off balance when I don't work out and I know I'm doing something right when my husband (who has witnessed me try many different things in the past to get back in shape only to go back to old habits after a week or so) tells me he can't believe that I stuck to this program and how proud he is of me. Thanks to the Fat Loss Fast System, I am a healthier and happier person as I've been taught that patience, accountability, and hard work pay off! Thanks Sara” ~Sandra
Sonya Zikic lost 10.8 pounds and 14.75 inches in 60 Days using my Fat Loss Fast System. Her transformation is incredible!
Steph's abs are rockin'!
"Sara - I have been doing your Fat Loss Fast program for 8 months! And I still love it! I like eating 2-3 big meals and being done for the day! It's is so simple and makes me feel wonderful. Best lifestyle ever because I can still enjoy things like wine and sweets! Plus your workouts are amazing! Thank you again for changing my life” ~Steph
Angie lost 13 pounds in 3 months!
"I am so glad I started Sara's Fat Loss Fast System. I love that I can eat and not feel guilty. I’m glad I took a picture of myself on the day I started her program (I weighed about 129 lbs). I am now at 116 lbs (just a pound away from my goal weight!) And I now know how to maintain it! Yay!! I plan on continuing this lifestyle. I can't imagine going back to eating all the time. Thank you so much, Sara!!!” ~Angie